Carol Ann and Don Doan Family Pictures
Carol was late comer, I was 17 when she was born
and we lost our Mother Polly when she was only 4 yrs old in 1962.
As you can see she was the apple of my mothers eye and we all loved her.
Carol Ann Morgan with my mom Polly on
Daytona Beach
Carol and husband Don Doan at my Birthday in 2005
My sister Carol with daughter Jaqueline "Katie" in 1985
1977 San Antonio Texas
Carol with basket with Aunt Daisy and her kids Ella, Babb, Ray and Honeybun, All
nicknamed by grandmother
Going back in time, 1. Family gathering at Aunt Libby and Lou Nickell's house in
2. Sam & Myrtle Nickell with kids Lou Jr, Mildred annd Polly
3. My mother Polly front of our house in Daytona w/ Steve and Billy
4. Steve Mom and sister Carol ready for church on Hallock St in Jacksonville
Carol's son Cameron new years 2007
Katie getting ready to get hitched
Katie's daughter Brooklynne Murray
Proud Mom and Dad
The whole family at the Jacksonville, Fla. Zoo.
Guess who is the monkey?
Logan, Carol and Cameron
Cameron's Graduation picture 2008 Brooklynne Morgan Murray, 4 years old