Nancy Jane Keller Morgan's Family Pictures
Reunion in South Georgia Nancy's grandparents Clarence Charles Woodall Sr and Lauree OmegaTraylor
in Blackshear, Pierce Co., Ga.
Ralph Traylor
"Buddy" Woodall Jr. Killed by sniper in Vietnam in 1967
Nancy's sister Betty Keller with husband John Winter, She passed in 2004
John is a retired Coast Guard
Lonnie Woodall died in 2003, Buddy's brother Clarence Charles Woodall Jr. Passed in 1981 Blackshear, Ga.
Bill Boyd and wife Lauree Traylor "Cheet" Woodall Dan Miles and wife Roselyn Annette Woodall
Taken in Blackshear, Ga. Hardy Franklin Keller Nancy's grandfather
Mary Willie Woodall & husband Merle Keller, Nancy's parents Hardy Keller and niece Christy Morgan Preston planting beans
Roselyn, Cheet, Clarence, Ruth, Ralph, Mary and Bub Woodall Old Woodall or Griffin house in Georgia, Nancy's Ancestors
Francis Keller and Jesse McCoy's wedding Blackshear, Ga. Miriam and Cleve's daughters Candice and Cassie at Daytona Beach
Nancy's mom with Grandkids at Beach 1972, Daytona Pier in Background Merle Keller fishing with grandaughter Christy Morgan Preston
Ray & Susan Tuten Keller, Beth Keller & Thomas Lloyd, Bill Keller Mark and Lisa Lloyd, with Landry & Preston, At Disney
Blackshear, Georgia
Nancy With Uncle Bub Woodall in Blackshear, Ga Nancy on Hoss at uncle Dan Miles a little while back
Bub's Funeral Pictures
Nancy's Parents Mary Woodall & Merle Keller Ginger Miles, Nancy's cousin in Blackshear, Ga. at Uncle Bub's
William H. Higgins Nancy's Gr-Gr_Grandfather from Maine Bub's daughter Miriam and husband Cleve Harden
Union Soldier