Lungren Cemetery
aka Evergreen Cemetery
SR 40 and Turner Lane

In Aug. 1892 Annie D. Lungren lot 17 to be the Evergreen Cemetery forever to the Trustee's for $1.00. She Remarried to a Woolman and moved to Ozona, Fla where she is believed to be buried with her second husband.

On Apr. 18, 2009 I returned to the cemetery and took the pictures of the headstones, Ricey George's headstone is missing.

This cemetery is located off SR 40 and has not been used for quite a while, There are only 5 headstones left.
Go south off SR 40 on Turner Lane, Cemetery is on left under tree.
Parcel 5827-01-00-0170
GPS N29º 10'06 .82    W081º 28.35.72

Copyright ©2010, W.R. Morgan

George, Ricey, b. Feb. 5, 1826  d. June 9, 1908

Guess, Elizabeth, b. 1895  d. Jan. 30, 1923

Peterson, James E., b. July 5, 1858  d. July 25, 1898
Peterson, Tula, b. Jan. 27, 1869  d. July 25, 1912

Purdom, William J., b. Nov. 23, 1833  d. Aug. 11, 1894

Heacock, Ollin  E. ,  d. 1891  age 25 yrs

Without Headstones, From Volusia the West Side

Tula Jenkins, Sept. 30, 1900 a Tula Peterson married a Charles Jenkins in Volusia County

Mrs. John C. Hall

Nancy Bradshaw Peterson, b. 1840  d.?  Wife of Thomas M. Peterson  b. 1835  d. 1911-12

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